The Elli Law Firm carries out its activities in the field of criminal law, dealing with any problem concerning both business realities and natural persons, providing judicial and out-of-court assistance.


The Elli Law Firm carries out its activities in the field of criminal law, dealing with any problem concerning both business realities and natural persons, providing judicial and out-of-court assistance.

Criminal Law

Offences against property, person, honour, public administration, family, public order, public faith, trade, sexual freedom, drug trafficking, smuggling, road traffic offences.

Business Criminal Law

Bankruptcy, tax and financial law, criminal liability in matters of occupational safety, environmental criminal law, building violations, protection of scientific and industrial secrecy, direct company responsability pursuant to Decree 231/2001

Juvenile Criminal Law

It requires special care in the management with with the customer and his family in order to achieve the recovery of the child compared to deviant conduct, so that the judicial experience is formative, rather than punitive.

Professional Legal Team

Thanks to a long experience always gained with great passion, the law firm Elli offers a team of lawyers who will manage with competence and transparency every need.


Every issue concerning both business realities and natural persons is addressed, with particular attention to juvenile criminal law.


An experience always matured with extreme passion and constant participation in conferences and refresher courses ensures maximum attention to every legislative novelty.

Principles and values

Elli Law Firm provides qualified and personalized assistance, always privileging the customer-professional relationship and the values of transparency and clarity.


In order to offer maximum availability and professionalism and to have the best professional tools, Elli Law Firm works in collaboration with Cimolino Law Firm.